Discover an inspiring way to learn German

We are a global company based in Barcelona operating in the field of education with a deep passion for making a cross cultural impact


What makes us different?

We want to take your Unilexam experience and implement it successfully into your life as a constant source of knowledge and inspiration

German courses mobility


Preparations courses plus subsequent certified test taking will be provided locally*

*depending on Unilexam´s individual assessment

German courses flexibility


Course schedules and exam dates can be arranged individually for each course cycle

German courses sustainability


The acquired knowledge within the Unilexam courses will serve you beyond your attained certiification

3 Phase Philosophy

Booking a course with Unilexam is an unique experience due to all the necessary elements of success are implemented within the 3 Phase Philosophy.




Language acquisition

We completely immerse you in the language and German culture, workplace management, German administrative system, and many more elements.

Certificate acquisition

At this stage, we help you identify and obtain all the certificates you need to start working or studying in Germany.

Career orientation

This phase is designed to meet different stages of the career development process. Our job coaching service covers a wide range of topics, from preparing for interviews to negotiating job offers and signing contracts.

Officially acknowledged certificates by the German State

Each Level (A1- C2) in 2 month is real*

*depending on unilexam ́s individual assessment of the participants learning process

Booking a course with Unilexam is an unique experience because all the necessary elements of success are implemented within the 3 Phase Philosophy.
language acquisition, general knowledge of German culture, work place management, German administrative system, and many more elements that will guarantee you sustainable success

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Our customized services are aimed for:

who want to enter a German University
Companies / Employees
who want to establish on the German jobmarket or work successfully in a German speaking environment
Schools / Universities
whose students need or want to top up or finalize their German language level officially with a worldwide acknowledged certification
directed at prospective teachers, instructors and lecturers who want to increase their competences in the field of German as a foreign language*
*DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) & DAZ (Deutsch als Zweitsprache)
*GFL (German as a foreign Language) & GSL (German as a second language)
Our values

A guiding force in everything we do

We have an ethical, open and transparent approach in all we do.


Acting in a transparent, trustworthy manner earns us the respect of colleagues, customers, and the public.


Having a joy not just for the work itself but also the people around us, so that everyone can be bold, innovative, and creative. 


We guarantee you the highest standards of educational services through an innovative module system. 


We take responsibility and accountability for everything we do. We honor our promises.


Our tutors

Personal approach is key

High qualification is a must. But it is the approach that takes language learning to another level.

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